Sunday, September 30, 2012


Let me just put into writing the thoughts that come passing through my mind...

For three weeks, most of the time, I don't go home because of so many school-related works and activities that are needed to be done. In effect, I had an asthma attack yesterday. I went home early this afternoon and my father took care of me before leaving again for church. That reminds me of the day when I got the wound in this picture. I came home that day in pain and it was my father who attended to my need. I'm so blessed that I have a father who loves me so much.

Then I realized that I'm not only blessed because of a father who is always there for me. I have another Father up there who loves me endlessly and unconditionally. He has been so gracious to me. It doesn't matter what I do, He lavished His unfailing, great, wonderful, good, abounding, firm, faithful. and enduring love to me.

I wronged Him many times. I have been a stubborn daughter. Still, my mistakes don't make Him love me less. I don't deserve anything but He still choose to love me. I can never thank Him enough for this...

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