Monday, July 30, 2012

Placid amidst the Storm

     From time to time, we go through some hard times that make us feel bereaved. Welcome to life! Jesus Himself said that in this world we'll experience difficulties. But this fact shouldn't discourage us. Rather, we should take heart for He has conquered them all.
     This is where I am at the moment- in a stony path where the enemy is trying to destroy God's work in my life. A brother (in Christ) did a "wicked thing" to me. I don't say this to condemn him. I understand that as imperfect people, we sometimes commit slip-ups. I just can't give the right term for what happened.
     That friend of mine is important to me. He is younger and is the Proverb friend that "sticks closer than a brother". But that certain event put an end to the relationship we once had. And it's painful, like a heavy baggage that I keep on carrying in this journey.
     This is life. People change. There are friendships that are seasonal. And if it's time for you to let them go, you have to let them go...

     Today is a Monday. I should be in class and have lots of things to accomplish. But due to a storm, classes in all levels are suspended. I consider this as a favor from God because we don't have the comparative analysis yet, my sculpture isn't finished, and I'm not ready for my report. All these are due today. If I'm a typical student, the first thing that I'm gonna be doing is to plunge on them all. I'll only make myself stressed. So I didn't. I know what's the source of comfort and relief- my devotion. Right away, I spent time with God, longer than our usual "date". As expected, I wasn't forsaken. My dear Father spoke to me through His Word.
     He made me realize that He can make me forget all my troubles and make me fruitful in suffering. He is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. That's why this journal is entitled Placid amidst the Storm. It's both literally and figuratively: literally because there's really a storm and I'm happy despite of it because I can work on my requirements (BWAHAHA!), and figuratively because I know I can sail on though it's stormy because Jesus is guiding the way.
     What more can I ask for? The earth is filled with His love. This unfailing, great, wonderful, good, abounding, firm, faithful, and enduring (forever) love satisfies me. I'll not be looking for anything else!

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