Sunday, December 26, 2010

Looking Back

     It was more than two years since I got to know the Man who gave His life for me, whose blood was shed on the cross so that I will become free from the bondage of sins, and who loves me more than anyone on earth can do. Yes, two years has already passed yet I am still in the darkness. Day by day, I wake up in the morning being oblivious of my God. I don't care about anything at all. I was living a life the way I wanted it.
     Not until I met Rachelle again. I didn't hear anything about her since she was transferred again to block 2 after the second semester of our first year in College. She asked me how's my life now that we are in second year. I can still clearly recall the vivid images of that hot July afternoon. I was all alone in the Marulaya shed when she dropped by. We had a fun conversation and I told her honestly how far I am with Jesus. She felt sad for me and said that she is continuously praying for me, that God may lead me to a church that will take care of my Spiritual needs and help me grow in my faith. I felt guilty for myself. All these days, I am living a sinful life.
     But God's love is really true. Jesus proved it on the cross.  He does not look on us with anger no matter how big or small our sins are. He will forgive us if we repent. He will give us a new life if we accept Jesus in our hearts as our Lord and Savior.
     The following day, July 17, on that same place and time, Rachelle and I met again. Moments later, Kuya Mark, our President in Marulaya came with a classmate. They sat on the other side of the shed and if my memory serves me right, they are playing in the guitar the chords of Lord, I Offer You my Life. Without knowing it, God is already doing His move. He has answered my friend's prayer on that very day. Kuya Mark's classmate is the President of PLM-AIM, the Campus Ministry of the church I seldom attend with. When they heard of our conversation, Kuya Mark asks me if I attend services at C.O.P and then intoduced me to Kuya Eljay. I can't believe it! We're just talking about it, then the following day, there's already an answer. God is great!

Kuya Eljay and me at PLM (after Company Call)
after the Candle Light Communion at C.O.P

my PLM- AIM family :)